Monday, December 31, 2007


In terms of education, Bitung is no difference with other cities in Indonesia. It has several education institutions that equal a university. One of them is STIE PETRA. Education is very important to this city as stated on its vision namely "to be an industrial and maritime city which has capable, independent and SADAR human resources". SADAR stands for Sejahtera, Aman, Demokratis dan Religius, it means prosperous, safe, democratic and religious. To actualize that vision, STIE PETRA takes its part to bear qualified human resources. Its graduates have been employed by either government or private sectors in Indonesia. To bear a qualified graduate, this education institution is supported by fairly nice infrastructures and facilities.

I had spent four years to study there. Bunch of unforgettable memories will always follow me wherever I go. The first time I stepped my feet at the campus, I felt gracious welcomed. From the very beginning process of new student registration until I felt how resentful but funny it was, being a freshman during the hazing time. It is truly memorable. Studying at STIE PETRA Bitung was not easy for me since I had to work at the same time to finance my study on my own. Luckily, this institution has flexibility of college schedule. It has morning and evening class that means I could adjust my class schedules with my work hours. That was the reason why I chose this institution to study at moreover it also has a program that I like to dig deeply. STIE PETRA offers two majors of study, Accounting and Management.

To me digging up knowledge at this institution is favorable. That is why I wrote this and dedicate it to my STIE PETRA of Bitung as a grateful expression from my deepest and humble heart.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

ADIPURA, Welcome to Bitung...!

To find a clean place or city in Indonesia could be a bit difficult. It can be understood for most Indonesians don’t seem to be aware of environs health or cleanliness. We can see it from the habit of throwing out garbage not to the proper place. Perhaps, this is the reason of why Indonesian government made an annual competition of clean city. Each city in Indonesia will be evaluated concerning its cleanliness by a team of judges. The city considered as the cleanest one will be proclaimed as the winner and bring home ADIPURA trophy.

All cities in Indonesia are competing to get the trophy and Bitung is no exemption. Many efforts have been done and one of them is to invite participation of every society element of the city to create a healthy environment which appropriates to the city’s motto Hidup Sehat Ramah Lingkungan or healthy and environmentally friendly life. Every Friday, they have such a clean up campaign called Clean Friday which is actually a program made not only for the road cleaners but also for the civil servants and the community. On this day, cleaning up their neighborhood is a must. Fortunately, this program is successfully made continually. As the result, the city is now getting more beautiful, green, clean and healthy. If you get up in the morning and do a little jogging around a neighborhood, you will feel so fresh and happy because you will see no garbage on streets you will only see clean, beautiful and green view. Isn’t it good for our health? Even if we go to Winenet or Girian traditional market you will see a similar view whereas in fact a traditional market in Indonesia cannot be separated with its dirty and messy image.

By these efforts, no wonder Bitung is success to get the title of the cleanest city 2007 in category of medium city and grab the ADIPURA trophy. This achievement is certainly becoming the pride of the whole town. I hope they can keep up the good work and most of all is to have a strong commitment and awareness of the importance of having a clean and healthy environment.
…… Hi friends, welcome to Ungke’s blog! I am just an ordinary man who is proud of being Ungke and love writing anything that I like, especially related to my lovely hometown, Bitung …… Halo teman, selamat datang di Blog Ungke! Saya orang biasa yang bangga dipanggil Ungke dan senang menulis hal-hal yang menarik perhatian saya terutama yang berkaitan dengan kampung halamanku, Bitung ……